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Reading Room - On Line Booking

The Reading Room can now be booked on line through the link below

Hall Booking On Line

There is all the information you'll need to complete your booking including details of facilities, terms and conditions, prices and much more. You'll also be able to view the booking calendar before you book. While we would prefer you to book on line if you'd prefer to speak to someone then you can call 07966 172125.


Following some determined detective work Tony Peters of the Museum of Welsh Cricket has provided more information regarding the Cricket Pavilion in Bonvilston and the team that played there. The full story can be found here

Photograph of the Pavilion reproduced by kind permission of the Estate of E.C. Deere.

The Pavilion was sited on the edge of the football field/cricket pitch just behind the Red Lion. You can see exactly ehere in this aerial photograph