Bonvilston Heritage Project - Exhibition Now Open
The project to create an exhibition of the history of Bonvilston has now completed a major milestone. The exhibition, funded by HLF and the Rural Development Fund "Pride in Your Heritage", was officially opened at a Service of Dedication on Monday 24th March. With local dignitaries, representatives from the funding bodies, project contributors and villagers it was a wonderful evening of celebration.
The exhibtion is open daily Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm. If anyone should wish to visit outside of these times please contact us on info@bonvilstonhistory.co.uk to make alternative arrangements.
The exhibition in St Mary's church consists of a number of graphic wall panels, a free standing display and a vinyl floor covering printed with the complete 1877 map of Bonvilston. If you are interested in joining the group or to find out more information about the project please contact us on the email address above.

Have you any old photographs stored away in the attic?
If you've any old photographs or stories about Bonvilston we'd love to hear from you. Tell us your memories of the Carnival and Village Sports events. On the left is a copy of the minutes of the Reading Room discussing prepartions for the 1947 Carnival. The funds raised by the Carnivals went to maintaining and improving the Reading Room.
Other interesting snippets from the Minutes include the date that women were allowed to join as members and the debate of wether P.O.W.s should be allowed to join

Ordnance Survey Map - Surveyed in 1877
Surveyed in 1877 this map was published in 1878. This portion of the map shows the centre of the village straddling the A48.
St Mary's church and the Red Lion remain familiar landmarks but several buildings no longer exist. Panty Ffynon farm which was just below Ty Mawr was demolished in 1935 to make way for the road widening. The school marked was probably in the building now known as Church Cottage.
Bonvilston House was a very well known property having been built in 1842 for Bassett. After a succession of occupants including a Crawshay, J.H. Brain of the brewery family it was last owned by R.H. Williams and his wife Diana. The building was sold in 1968 and owing to its state of disrepair it was demolished in the late 1960s. The grounds of the house and some adjacent fields are now occupied by the Village Farm estate.

Edwin Deere - Bonvilston
Edward Deere (pictured) and his wife Ann Deere lived in Bonvilston during the middle of the 19th Century. Their son, Edwin, was a Cooper who learnt his trade with a Mr. David who lived in a thatched house near Sheepcourt, now long since gone. Most of his work was to make stable buckets, churns and tubs which were sold around the district. In 1900 Edwin took over the licence at the Red Lion. His son, Charlie Deere took over as licensee in 1934 and he retired in 1962. Newly originated colour copies of 'The Recollections of Charles Deere' are now available. Please use the email address below for more information.